Front Garden


This front-of-house area is bordered on three sides by beds and by the driveway. It features astilbe, hostas, ligularia and hemlocks along the front with a traditional Vermont garden as well as basal yellow Evening Primrose (oenothera fruticosa), a large cedar bush, picea and other evergreens. The border garden has a central blue spruce “fat max” with Serbian Spruces to its side and an “inverted” Japanese Spruce. The roadside bed is filled with 500+ tulips for the spring, followed by peonies then Black-eyed Susans and “Twist & Shout” Hydrangeas.

The garden also features a grafted 5 “pom-pom” Blue Rug Juniper topiary, and in this”J” shaped bed is the tribute to the owner’s love of theater – the sculpture of the “Gods of Laughter and Sadness”  (representing comedies and tragedies).

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